• Abhangam Therapy
  • Abhangam 2
Abhangam Therapy Abhangam 2


Abhyangam is an Ayurvedic Treatment for intensely relaxing and refreshing full body massage using special Ayurvedic oils in 7 different postures. Ancient Ayurvedic texts recommends this massage as a daily routine for conditioning and revitalizing the body

This full-body massage focuses on maximum penetration of herbal oils/herbal extracts and release of muscular tension. It is followed by a steam bath and a hot shower. Abhyangam is a basic step that stimulates and rejuvenates various body systems.

Benefits of Abhyangam Therapy
  • Increases the blood circulation
  • Lubricates the joints
  • Relieving muscular pain
  • Improves sleep
  • Betterment of complexion
  • Strengthen muscles
  • Harmonize body, mind, and spirit